ATS American Thoracic Society
Recent Abstracts

Pulmonary Functional Status & Dyspnea Questionnaire

Name of Questionnaire

Pulmonary Functional Status & Dyspnea Questionnaire- PFSDQ


The PFSDQ is a self administered measuring functional status and dyspnea in pulmonary patients


SC Lareau


Suzanne C. Lareau (111-A)
New Mexico VA Health Care System
1501 San Pedro Drive, SE
Albuquerque, N.M. 87108


Cost & availability

No cost, contact S. Lareau



Time to complete

17 minutes initial testing
15 minutes on repeat testing

Number of items


Domains & categories

2 domains 6 categories

Name of categories/domains

Domains (functional status and dyspnea), categories (self care, mobility, home management, eating, recreation, and social)

Scaling of items

Modified Likert 0 to 10 scale with verbal descriptors


Total scores of items on each domain (activity , and dyspnea), mean scores for each domain (total score divided by number of items rated), activity and dyspnea index (number of items rated 7, 8, 9 or 10), and individual scores on five general dyspnea scores. Higher scores indicate worse functional status or symptoms


a. Test-retest: two weeks apart Reported1
b. Internal consistency: Reported1


Reported 2
Concurrent: correlations with FEV1%, FVC%, SF-36 physical, CRQ, 6 MWD
Reported 1 , 3 , 4


PFSDQ discriminated between groups following pulmonary rehabilitation versus lung volume reduction surgery, v and based on severity of airway obstruction. 4

Minimally important difference

Not reported

Research use

Yes 6 , 7

Clinical use



Original English (US), translated in 3 languages

Reading Level

The reading level of the PFSDQ using the Flesch-Kincaid grade level is 7.1, and the Flesch Reading Ease is 58.7 (standard scores are 60 to 70)


  1. Lareau SC, Meek PM, Roos PJ. Additional testing of a Modified Pulmonary Functional Status & Dyspnea Questionnaire (PFSDQ-M): ease of use, stability, reliability & validity. Am J Crit Care Med. 1997;155:A722.
  2. Lareau SC, Carrieri-Kohlman V, Janson-Bjerklie S, Roos PJ. Development and testing of the Pulmonary Functional Status and Dyspnea Questionnaire (PFSDQ). Heart & Lung. 1994;23:242-250.
  3. Lareau SC, Meek PM, Roos PJ. Severe COPD: Effects on activities of daily living and dyspnea. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 1996;153:A421.
  4. Belza B, Steele BG, Hunziker J, Lakshminaryan S, Holt L, Buchner DM. Correlates of physical activity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Nurs Res. 2001;50:195-202.
  5. Mercer KJ, Breslin EH, Follette DM, Allen RP, Hoso AD, Sherman C. Comparison in functional state (FS) six months after bilateral lung volume reduction surgery (BLVRS) and pulmonary rehabilitation (PR). Am J Crit Care Med. 1997;155:A456.
  6. Borson S, McDonald GJ, Gayle T, Deffebach M, Lakshminarayan S, VanTuinen C. Improvement in mood, physical symptoms, and function with nortriptyline for depression in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Psychosom. 1992;33:190-201.
  7. Lareau SC, Meek PM, Press D, Anholm JD, Roos PJ. Longitudinal assessment of dyspnea in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Heart & Lung. 1999;28:65-73.

Date of information

July 2003

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