ATS American Thoracic Society
Recent Abstracts

About My Asthma

Name of Questionnaire

About My Asthma (AMA)


About My Asthma was designed to evaluate symptoms and HRQL in children with asthma.


Shelley C. Mishoe
Professor and Chair, Department of Respiratory Therapy
School of Allied Health Sciences
Medical College of Georgia
Augusta, GA 230912-0850
fax: 706-721-0495


Cost & Availability

Contact S Mishoe for permission for use.


Interview; reading level: 5th grade (Flesch's Formula)

Time to complete

15-20 minutes

Number of items


Domains & Categories (#)

Total score only.

Name of categories/domains

Total score only.

Scaling of items

4-point Likert scales, with 1 indicating the child never thinks about the stressor and 4 indicating s/he thinks about the stressor all the time.


The score for each question ranges from 1-4. The total score is the mean of the scores across all items, with higher scores indicating more intense stressors.


a. Test-retest/reproducibility: Not reported.
b. Internal consistency: Reported 1


Concurrent validity demonstrated by moderate, negative correlation between AMA total score and PAQLQ emotional function domain and PAQLQ overall score.


Not reported.

Minimally important difference

Not determined.

Research use

Provides data on symptomatology and stressors affecting QOL of children with asthma.

Clinical use

Identifies sources of stress and perceptions of children with asthma to help tailor patient education and management; increased levels of stress correlates with decreased QOL.


Original: English (US)

Translations: Spanish and Russian (currently in development)


  1. Mishoe SC, Baker RR, Poole S, Harrell LM, Arant CB, Rupp NT. Development of an instrument to assess stress levels and quality of life in children with asthma. J Asthma 1998;35(7):553-63.

Date of information

April 1999

Comments from developer

Yes (April 1999)

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