ATS American Thoracic Society
Recent Abstracts

Child Health Questionnaire - Parent Form 50

Name of Questionnaire

Child Health Questionnaire - Parent Form 50 (CHQ-PF50)


Generic HRQL questionnaire designed for pediatric patients ages 5 through 12


Jeanne M. Landgraf


The Medical Outcomes Trust
20 Park Plaza Suite1014
Boston, MA 02116
Phone: 1-617-426-4046
Fax: 617-426-4131



Cost & availability

All users are asked to purchase a copy of the User Manual1 ($250). No additional fee is required if used for research purposes


Self administered by parent

Time to complete

Not reported.

Number of items


Domains & categories (#)

14 scales

Name of categories/domains

Physical functioning: 6 items

Role/social limitations - physical: 2 items

General health perceptions: 6 items

Bodily pain/discomfort: 2 items

Family activities: 6 items

Role/social limitations - emotional/behavioral: 3 items (considered 2 domains)

Parent impact - time: 3 items

Parent impact - emotion: 3 items

Self-esteem: 6 items

Mental health: 5 items

Behavior: 6 items

Family cohesion: 1 item

Change in health: 1 item

Scaling of items

Likert-type scale with higher scores indicating better or more positive health states.


Overall means for the individual CHQ scales and items can be derived using a simple summated rating approach. This method yields a profile for each of the 14 health concepts. In addition, the individual scale scores can be aggregated to derive two summary component scores of physical and psychosocial health. Scores transformed to 0 - 100 scale.


a. Test-retest / reproductibility ICC - 0.37 to 0.84 3
b. Internal consistency Cronbach's alpha - 0.53 to 0.96 3


Established by comparison to recent symptom activity, medication use, and FEV1 % predicted. 3

Research Use



Original: English

Additional languages: American-Spanish, Canadian-French,
Finnish, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Greek, Honduran, Mexican, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish (the
Trust distributes only the English version).


  1. Landgraf JL, Abetz L, Ware JE. 1996. The CHQ User's Manual. The Health Institute, New England Medical Center, Boston.
  2. Bukstein DA, McGrath MM, Buchnew DA, Landgraf J, Goss TF. Evaluation of a short form for measuring health-related quality of life among pediatric asthma patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000;105:245-51.
  3. Asmussen L, Olson LM, Grant EN, Landgraf JM, Fagan J, Weiss KB. Use of the Child Health Questionnaire in a sample of moderate and low-income inner-city children with asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000;162:1215-1221.

Date of information

February 2001

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