Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in the United States. Traditionally, studies of new lung cancer treatments have relied on outcome measures such as tumor response, survival, or disease-free survival. More recently, investigators and regulators have recognized that quality of life outcomes are important to patients with lung cancer and the physicians who care for them. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration now approves new anti-cancer drugs on the basis of beneficial effects on quality of life 1 .
Several generic instruments have been used to study quality of life in persons with lung cancer. In addition, cancer-specific and lung cancer-specific instruments have been developed and validated. Cancer-specific quality of life is distinct from measures of performance status, which have been used by oncologists for many years. Performance status measures are typically completed by a physician or interviewer, and include a single item that provides a composite description of physical activity and symptoms. In contrast, quality of life instruments are typically completed by the patient, and include multiple items that cover two or more of life's domains. Schaafsma and Osoba found a weak association between observer-rated Karnofsky performance status and patient-rated quality of life 2 .
Lung cancer-specific quality of life instruments are potentially useful because they focus on symptoms and impairments that are likely to affect patients with lung cancer. Some instruments are particularly useful for evaluating chemotherapeutic agents, because they include items about potential side effects of treatment. These same instruments might not be appropriate for studying patients with early stage lung cancer who are treated by surgical resection; generic instruments or respiratory disease-specific instruments might prove more useful in this population. Fortunately, investigators studying quality of life in lung cancer can choose between several instruments, one or more of which will likely meet their needs.
1. Beitz J, Gnecco C, Justice R. Quality-of-life endpoints in cancer clinical trials: the U.S. Food and Drug Administration perspective. Monogr Natl Cancer Inst 1996;20:7-9.
2. Schaafsma J, Osoba D. The Karofsky performance status scale re-examined: a cross validation with the EORTC-C30. Qual Life Res 1994;3:413:424.
Generic Health-Related Quality of Life Instruments Used in Lung Cancer- Rudd RM, Gower NH , Spiro SG, et al. Gemcitabine plus carboplatin versus mitomycin, ifosfamide, and cisplatin in patients with stage IIIB or IV non-small-cell lung cancer: a phase III randomized study of the London Lung Cancer Group. J Clin Oncol. Jan 1 2005 ;23(1):142-153.
- Gridelli C, Gallo C, Di Maio M, et al. A randomised clinical trial of two docetaxel regimens (weekly vs 3 week) in the second-line treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer. The DISTAL 01 study. Br J Cancer. Dec 13 2004 ;91(12):1996-2004.
- Fossella F, Pereira JR, von Pawel J, et al. Randomized, multinational, phase III study of docetaxel plus platinum combinations versus vinorelbine plus cisplatin for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: the TAX 326 study group. J Clin Oncol. 2003;21(16):3016-24.
- Ko CY, Maggard M, Livingston EH. Evaluating health utility in patients with melanoma, breast cancer, colon cancer, and lung cancer: a nationwide, population-based assessment. J Surg Res. 2003;114(1):1-5.
- Montazeri A, Hole DJ, Milroy R, McEwen J, Gillis CR. (2004) Does knowledge of cancer diagnosis affect quality of life? A methodological challenge. BMC Cancer. 4(1):21.
- Montazeri A, Milroy R, Hole D, McEwen J, Gillis CR. How quality of life data contribute to our understanding of cancer patients' experiences? A study of patients with lung cancer. Qual Life Res. 2003;12(2):157-66.
- Montazeri A, Milroy R, Hole D, McEwen J, Gillis CR. Quality of life in lung cancer patients as an important prognostic factor. Lung Cancer 2001;31:233-240.
Quality of Life Index- Ferguson MK, Lehman AG. Sleeve lobectomy or pneumonectomy: optimal management strategy using decision analysis techniques. Ann Thorac Surg. 2003;76(6):1782-8.
- Handy JR, Asaph JW, Skokan L, et al. What happens to patients undergoing lung cancer surgery? Outcomes and quality of life before and after surgery. Chest. Jul 2002;122(1):21-30.
- Taylor KL, Shelby R, Gelmann E, McGuire C. (2004) "Quality of life and trial adherence among participants in the prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer screening trial. J Natl Cancer Inst. 96(14):1083-94.
- Billante CR, Spector B, et al. Voice outcome following thyroplasty in patients with cancer-related vocal fold paralysis. Auris Nasus Larynx 2001;28(4): 315-21.
- Gore JM, Brophy CJ, Greenstone MA. How well do we care for patients with end stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? A comparison of palliative care and quality of life in COPD and lung cancer. Thorax 2000; 55:1000-1006.
- Handy JR, Asaph JW, Skokan L, et al. What happens to patients undergoing lung cancer surgery? Outcomes and quality of life before and after surgery. Chest. Jul 2002;122(1):21-30.
- Kurtz ME, Kurtz JC, Stommel M, Given CW, Given B. Predictors of depressive symptomatology of geriatric patients with lung cancer-a longitudinal analysis. Psychooncology. Jan-Feb 2002;11(1):12-22.
- Lubbe AS, Krischke NR, Dimeo F, Forkel S, Petermann F. Health-related quality of life and pulmonary function in lung cancer patients undergoing medical rehabilitation treatment. Wien Med Wschr 2001;151:29-34.
- Mangione CM, Goldman L, et al. health-related quality of life after elective surgery. Measurement of longitudinal changes. J Gen Intern Med 1997;12:686-97.
- Myrdal G, Valtysdottir S, Lambe M, Stahle E. Quality of life following lung cancer surgery. Thorax. 2003;58(3):194-7.
- Pompeo E, De Dominicis E, Ambrogi V, Mineo D, Elia S, Mineo TC. Quality of life after tailored combined surgery for stage I non-small-cell lung cancer and severe emphysema. Ann Thorac Surg. 2003;76(6):1821-7.
- Sarna L, Evangelista L, Tashkin D, Padilla G, Holmes C, Brecht ML, Grannis F. Impact of respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function on quality of life of long-term survivors of non-small cell lung cancer.†Chest. 2004; 125(2):439-45.
- Sarna L, Padilla G, Holmes C, Tashkin D, Brecht ML, Evangelista L. Quality of life of long-term survivors of non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol. Jul 1 2002; 20(13):2920-2929.
- Sarna L. Functional status in women with lung cancer. Cancer Nurs 1994;17(2):87-83.
- Trippoli S, Vaiani M, et al. Quality of life and utility in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Quality-of-life Study Group of the Master 2 Project in Pharmacoeconomics. Pharmacoeconomics 2001;19(8): 855-63.
- Zhao H, Kanda K. Testing psychometric properties of the standard Chinese version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Core Questionnaire 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30). J Epidemiol. Nov 2004;14(6):193-203.
- Bergman B, Sullivan M, et al. Quality of life during chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer. I. An evaluation with generic health measures. Acta Oncol 1991;30(8):947-57.
- Dales, RE, Belanger R, et al. Quality-of-life following thoracotomy for lung cancer. J Clin Epidemiol 1994;47(12):1443-9.
Condition-Specific Health-Related Quality of Life Instruments Used in Lung Cancer- Sarna L. Functional status in women with lung cancer. Cancer Nurs 1994;17(2): 87-93.
- Schag CAC, Ganz PA et al. Quality of life in adult survivors of lung, colon, and prostate cancer. Qual Life Res 1994;3:127-41.
- Bleehen NM, Fayers PM et al. Survival, adverse reactions and quality of life during combination chemotherapy compared with selective palliative treatment for small-cell lung cancer. Resp Med 1989; 83: 51-8.
- Bleehen NM, Girling DJ, Hopwood P, Lallemand G, Machin D, Stephens RJ, Bailey AJ. Randomized trial of four-drug vs less intensive two-drug chemotherapy in the palliative treatment of patients with small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) and poor prognosis. Medical Research Council Lung Cancer Working Party. Br J Cancer 1996;73(3):406-13.
- Macbeth FR, Bolger JJ, Hopwood P, Bleehen NM, Cartmell J, Girling DH, Machin D, Stephens RJ, Bailey AJ. Randomized tiral of palliative two-fraction versus more intensive 13-fraction radiotherapy for patients with inoperable non-small cell lung cancer and good performance status. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 1996;8(3):167-75.
- Gridelli C, Gallo C, Di Maio M, et al. A randomised clinical trial of two docetaxel regimens (weekly vs 3 week) in the second-line treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer. The DISTAL 01 study. Br J Cancer. Dec 13 2004 ;91(12):1996-2004.
- Mu XL, Li LY, Zhang XT, Wang SL, Wang MZ. Evaluation of safety and efficacy of gefitinib ('iressa', zd1839) as monotherapy in a series of Chinese patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: experience from a compassionate-use programme. BMC Cancer. Aug 19 2004 ;4(1):51.
- Perez-Soler R, Chachoua A, Hammond LA, et al. Determinants of tumor response and survival with erlotinib in patients with non--small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol. Aug 15 2004 ;22(16):3238-3247.
- Anderson H, Hopwood P, Stephens RJ, Thatcher N, Cottier B, Nicholson M, Milroy R, Maughan TS, Falk SJ, Bond MG, Burt PA, Connolly CK, McIllmurray MB, Carmichael J. Gemcitabine plus best supportive care (BSC) vs BSC in inoperable non-small cell lung cancer - a randomized trial with quality of life as the primary outcome. Br J Cancer 2000;83(4):447-453.
- Bezjak, A, Dixon P et al. Randomized phase III trial of single versus fractionated thoracic radiation in the palliation of patients with lung cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002 ;54:719-728.
- Booth S, Adams L. The shuttle walking test: a reproducible method for evaluating the impact of shortness of breath on functional capacity in patients with advanced cancer. Thorax. Feb 2001;56(2):146-150.
- Cella D. Quality of life considerations in patients with advanced lung cancer. Semin Oncol. 2004;31(6 Suppl 11):16-20.
- Cardenal F, Lopez-Cabrerizo MP, Anton A, Alberola V, Massuti B, Carrato A, Barneto I, Lomas M, Garcia M, Lianes P, Montalar J, Vadell C, Gonzalez-Larriba JL, Nguyen B, Artal A, Rosell R. Randomized phase III study of gemcitabine-cisplatin versus etoposide-cisplatin in the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 1999;17:12-8.
- Chie WC, Yang CH, Hsu C, Yang PC. Quality of life of lung cancer patients: validation of the Taiwan Chinese version of the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-LC13. Qual Life Res. 2004; 13(1):257-62.
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- Gore JM, Brophy CJ, Greenstone MA. How well do we care for patients with end stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? A comparison of palliative care and quality of life in COPD and lung cancer. Thorax 2000;55:1000-1006.
- Gridelli C, Gallo C, Shepherd FA, et al. Gemcitabine plus vinorelbine compared with cisplatin plus vinorelbine or cisplatin plus gemcitabine for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: a phase III trial of the Italian GEMVIN Investigators and the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group. J Clin Oncol. 2003;21(16):3025-34.
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- Montazeri A, Milroy R, Hole D, McEwen J, Gillis CR. How quality of life data contribute to our understanding of cancer patients' experiences? A study of patients with lung cancer. Qual Life Res. 2003;12(2):157-66.
- Montazeri A, Milroy R, Hole D, McEwen J, Gillis CR. Quality of life in lung cancer patients as an important prognostic factor. Lung Cancer. 2001;31:233-240.
- Mu XL, Li LY, Zhang XT, Wang SL, Wang MZ. Evaluation of safety and efficacy of gefitinib ('iressa', zd1839) as monotherapy in a series of Chinese patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: experience from a compassionate-use programme. BMC Cancer. Aug 19 2004 ;4(1):51.
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Lung Cancer-Specific Health-Related Quality of Life Instruments- Earl HM, Rudd RM, Spiro SG, Ash CM, James LE, Law CS, Tobias JS, Harper PG, Geddes DM, Eraut D, Partridge MR, Souhami RL. A randomised trial of planned versus as required chemotherapy in small cell lung cancer: a Cancer Research Campaign trial. Br J Cancer. 1991;64(3):566-72.
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- Anderson H, Hopwood P, Stephens RJ, Thatcher N, Cottier B, Nicholson M, Milroy R, Maughan TS, Falk SJ, Bond MG, Burt PA, Connolly CK, McIllmurray MB, Carmichael J. Gemcitabine plus best supportive care (BSC) vs BSC in inoperable non-small cell lung cancer - a randomized trial with quality of life as the primary outcome. Br J Cancer 2000;83(4):447-453.
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