ATS American Thoracic Society
Recent Abstracts

Smoking/Tobacco Addiction

Most studies of the impact of cigarette smoking or smoking cessation address specific health, morbidity, and mortality outcomes. Relatively few studies have examined the effect of smoking and smoking cessation on well-being and health-related quality of life. These studies have employed generic and battery-type measures, constructed post hoc from national health surveys. No condition-specific instruments have been reported in the published literature.

Generic Health-Related Quality of Life Instruments Used in Smoking/Tobacco Addiction

Campbell's Survey on Well-Being

  • Hirdes JP, Maxwell CJ. Smoking cessation and quality of life outcomes among older adults in the Campbell's Survey on Well-being. Can J Public Health. 1994;85(2):99-102.

EuroQol (EQ-5D)

  • Tillmann M, Silcock J. A comparison of smokers' and ex-smokers' health-related quality of life. J Public Health Med. 1997;19(3):268-73.

Medical Outcomes Study SF-36

  • Bass PF 3rd, Wilson JF, Griffith CH. The association of health-related quality of life and age of initiation of smoking. J Ky Med Assoc. 2004; 102(3):96-101.
  • Bellido-Casado J, Martin-Escudero J, Duenas-Laita A, Mena-Martin FJ, Arzua-Mouronte D, Simal-Blanco F. The SF-36 Questionnaire as a measurement of health-related quality of life: assessing short- and medium-term effects of exposure to tobacco versus the known long-term effects. Eur J Intern Med. Dec 2004;15(8):511-517.
  • Lyons RA, Lo SV, Littlepage BNC. Perception of health amongst ever-smokers and never-smokers: a comparison using the SF-36 Health Survey Questionnaire. Tobacco Control. 1994;3;213-5.
  • McCarthy W, Zhou Y, et al. To smoke or not to smoke: impact on disability quality of life and illicit drug use in baseline poly-drug users. J Addic. Dis. 2002;21:35-54.
  • Mitra M, Chung MC, Wilber N, Klein Walker D. Smoking status and quality of life: a longitudinal study among adults with disabilities. Am J Prev Med. Oct 2004;27(3):258-260.
  • Schmitz N, Kruse J, Kugler J. Disabilities, quality of life, and mental disorders associated with smoking and nicotine dependence. Am J Psychiatry. 2003;160(9):1670-6.
  • Tillmann M, Silcock J. A comparison of smokers' and ex-smokers' health-related quality of life. J Public Health Med. 1997;19(3):268-73.

Sickness Impact Profile

  • Engstrom CP, Persson LO, Larsson S, Ryden A, Sullivan M. Functional status and well being in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with regard to clinical parameters and smoking: a descriptive and comparative study. Thorax. 1996;51:825-30.

Work Performance Scale (WPS)

  • Erickson SR, Thomas LA, Blitz SG, Pontius LR. Smoking cessation: a pilot study of the effects on health-related quality of life and perceived work performance one week into the attempt. Ann Pharmacother. Nov 2004;38(11):1805-1810.

Condition-Specific Health-Related Quality of Life Instruments Used in Smoking/Tobacco Addiction

Smoking Cessation Quality of Life (SCQoL) Questionnaire

  • Erickson SR, Thomas LA, Blitz SG, Pontius LR. Smoking cessation: a pilot study of the effects on health-related quality of life and perceived work performance one week into the attempt. Ann Pharmacother. Nov 2004;38(11):1805-1810.
  • Olufade AO, Shaw JW, Foster SA, Leischow SJ, Hays RD, Coons SJ. Development of the Smoking Cessation Quality of Life Questionnaire. Clinical Therapeutics. 1999;21(12):2113-2130.
  • Shaw JW, Coons SJ, Foster SA, Leischow SJ, Hays RD. Responsiveness of the Smoking Cessation Quality of Life (SCQoL) Questionnaire. Clinical Therapeutics. 2001;23(6):957-969.
  • Zillich AJ, Ryan M, Adams A, Yeager B, Farris K. Effectiveness of a pharmacist-based smoking-cessation program and its impact on quality of life. Pharmacotherapy. 2002 Jun;22(6):759-765.

St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire

  • Heijdra YF, Pinto-Plata VM, Kenney LA, Rassulo J, Celli BR. Cough and phlegm are important predictors of health status in smokers without COPD. Chest. 2002 May;121(5):1427-1433.

Lung Cancer Symptom Scale

  • Garces YI, Yang P, Parkinson J, et al. The relationship between cigarette smoking and quality of life after lung cancer diagnosis. Chest. Dec 2004;126(6):1733-1741.

Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire

  • Bousquet PJ, Fabbro-Peray P, Janin N, et al. Pilot study assessing the impact of smoking on nasal-specific quality of life. Allergy. Sep 2004;59(9):1015-1016.

Smoking Cessation Quality of Life (SCQoL) Questionnaire

  • Erickson SR, Thomas LA, Blitz SG, Pontius LR. Smoking cessation: a pilot study of the effects on health-related quality of life and perceived work performance one week into the attempt. Ann Pharmacother. Nov 2004;38(11):1805-1810.

Battery-Type Health-Related Quality of Life Instruments Used in Smoking/Tobacco Addiction

1985 General Social Survey; 1986 Survey of Smoking Habits; 1989 National Alcohol and Drug Survey

  • Maxwell CJ, Hirdes JP. The prevalence of smoking and implications for quality of life among the community-based elderly. Am J Prev Med. 1993;9;338-45.

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