ATS American Thoracic Society
Recent Abstracts

EuroQol (EQ-5D)

Name of Questionnaire

EuroQol or EQ-5D


A generic utility measure used to characterize current health states. Consists of 5-domains and a visual analogue scale.


EuroQol Group


Dr. Frank de Charro
EuroQol Business Manager
PO Box 4443
3006 AK Rotterdam
The Netherlands


Cost & availability

Free access (fees for commercial/pharmaceutical companies)


Self-reported (observer, proxy and telephone versions are available)

Time to complete

8 minutes

Number of items

5 (3 response options per domain), plus a visual analogue scale

Domains & categories (#)

5 domains

Name of categories/domains

Mobility; Self-care; Usual activity; Pain; Anxiety/depression

Scaling of items

Participants are asked to indicate their level of health by checking one of three boxes for each domain. For the visual analogue scale, participants draw a line from a box to the point on the thermometer-like scale corresponding to their health state, 0-100 (100 = Best health state)


Weights are used to score the responses to the 5 domains, with scores ranging from 0 to 1 (where a score of 1 represents a perfect state). Scores for the visual analogue scale reflect the position where participant's line crosses the thermometer-like scale.


a. Test-Retest/Reproducibility: Reported 1, 5
b. Internal Consistency: Reported 4


Patients indicating a health problem on the EQ-5D had significantly lower mean SF-12 scores for all dimensions. Patients responding with a health problem on the EQ-5D had significantly lower mean SF-36 scores for all dimensions. 3, 7


Change scores for the EQ-5D are significantly correlated with change in condition-specific measures over three months (P=0.01, or better). 4

Research Use

Reported 1

Clinical Use

Reported 1


Original: Dutch, English, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish

Translations: Afrikaans, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Belgian Dutch, Australian English, French, Canadian English, New Zealand English, South African English, UK English (includes Eire), US English, Belgian French, Canadian French, Swiss French, Finnish, German, Austrian German, Swiss German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Peruvian Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Argentinean Spanish, Colombian Spanish, Costa Rican Spanish, Guatemalan Spanish, Mexican Spanish, US Spanish, Venezuelan Spanish, Swedish, Turkish


  1. EuroQol Group. EuroQol-A new facility for the measurement of health-related quality of life. Health Policy. 1990; 16: 199-208.
  2. Brazier JE, Jones N, Kind P. Testing the validity of the EuroQol and comparing it with the SF-36 health survey questionnaire. Quality of Life Research. 1993; 2:169-180.
  3. Hurst NP, Kind P, Ruta D, Hunter M, Stubbings A. Measuring health-related quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis: Validity, responsiveness and reliability of EuroQol. British Journal of Rheumatology. 1997; 36:551-559.
  4. Kind P, Dolan P, Gudex C et al. Variations in population health status: results from a United Kingdom national questionnaire survey. British Medical Journal. 1998; 316(7133):736-741
  5. Rabin R, de Charro F. EQ-5D: a measure of health status from the EuroQol Group. The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim, Annals of Medicine. 2001; 33:337-343
  6. Johnson JA, Coons SJ. Comparison of the EQ-5D and SF-12 in an adult US sample. Quality of Life Research. 1998; 7:155-166.
  7. Van Agt HME, Essink-Bot ML, Krabbe PFM, Bonsel GJ. Test-retest reliability of health state valuations collected with the EuroQol questionnaire. Social Science Medicine. 1994; 39(11): 1537-1544.
  8. McColl, E., M. P. Eccles, et al. From the generic to the condition-specific: Instrument order effects in Quality of Life Assessment. Medical Care. 2003; 41(7): 777-90.
  9. Celli, B., D. Halpin, et al. Symptoms are an important outcome in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease clinical trials: results of a 3-month comparative study using the Breathlessness, Cough and Sputum Scale (BCSS). Respiratory Medicine. 2003; 97 (Suppl A): S35-43.
  10. Laursen, L. C., A. Lindqvist, et al. The role of the novel D2/beta2-agonist, Viozan (sibenadet HCl), in the treatment of symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: results of a large-scale clinical investigation. Respiratory Medicine. 2003; 97 Suppl A: S23-33.
  11. Stahl, E., S. A. Jansson, et al. "Health-related quality of life, utility, and productivity outcomes instruments: ease of completion by subjects with COPD. Health Quality of Life Outcomes. 2003; 1(1): 18.

Date of information

August 1990

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