ATS American Thoracic Society
Recent Abstracts

Functional Status II-R (FS II-R)

Name of Questionaire

Functional Status II-R (FS II-R)


Generic measure of functional status in children including children with chronic physical conditions. Describes child's functional status in the previous two weeks. The revised Functional Status II has both long and short versions. The long version contains 43 items with General Health and Stage Specific factors for each age group (age ranges 0-9 months, 10 months, - 2 years, 2-5 years, 5-11 years). The short version FS II-R uses a common core of items across the entire age span.


Ruth EK Stein, M.D.
Dorothy Jones Jessop, Ph.D.


Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Bronx, New York 10461


Cost & Availability

Agreement from author and $25 fee required


Parent interview

Time to Complete

Long: 15-30 minutes
Short: < 10 minutes

Number of Items

Long Form: 43 item, double element
Short Form: 14 item, double element

Domains & Categories (#)

All age groups include total functional status and general health status factor. Stage-specific factors included in long form by age group are as follows:
0-2 Years: Responsiveness
2-3 Years: Activity
4 Years and Older: Interpersonal Functioning

Scaling of Items

3-point Likert scale, double element. The parent first rates the extent of difficulty with specific behaviors and then rates for those behaviors with difficulty, the extent to which the difficulty is due to illness.


Percent of possible points that the child obtains of the total for the scale and age group (Stein et al., 1990). Scoring is based on the subset of items chosen by the parent indicating that the child's functional status was partially or fully impacted as a result of illness (FS II-R). Normative information is not available.


  • Internal consistency alpha > .80 (Stein et al., 1990)
  • Modified FS II-R short form alpha = .78
  • Test-retest: not reported


Yes (Stein et al., 1982; Stein et al., 1990) Scales differentiate between children with and without chronic illness. Concurrent validity is demonstrated by significant correlation with standard morbidity indicators, especially short-term indicators.


Yes (Stein et al., 1982)


Yes (Stein et al., 1982)

Research Use


Clinical Use

Not reported


Translation: Spanish


  1. Stein REK and Jessop DJ. A noncategorical approach to chronic childhood illness. Public Health Reports, 1982; 97(4): 354-362.
  2. Stein REK, Jessop DJ. Functional Status II(R): A measure of child health status. Med Care. 1990;28:1041-1055.
  3. Parkerson GR, Broadhead WE, Tse CKT. The Duke health profile: a 17 item measure of health and dysfunction. Med Care. 1993;31:629-639.
Cystic Fibrosis References:
  1. Bartholomew LK, Czyzewski DI, Parcel GS, Swank PR, Sockrider MM, Mariotto MJ, Schidlow DV, Fink RJ, Seilheimer DK. Self-management of cystic fibrosis: short-term outcomes of the cystic fibrosis family education program. Health Education & Behavior 1997;24(5):652-666.

Date of Information

August 2004

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