ATS American Thoracic Society
Recent Abstracts

How Are You?

Name of Questionnaire

How Are You? (HAY)


The HAY is designed for 8-12 year olds with asthma and containes both a generic and a condition-specific component.


EM le Coq, VT Colland, AJP Boeke, DP Bezemer, JTM van Eijk


VT Colland, PhD
Asthma Centre Heidehuevel
Soestdijkerstraatweb 129
The Netherlands
Fax: +31-35-6881499



Not available.

Cost & availability

Yes; contact VT Colland for permission to use the instrument



Time to complete

20 minutes

Number of items

Generic component - 32 items

Asthma-specific component - 40 items

Domains & categories

Generic component - 4 domains

Asthma-specific component - 4 domains

Name of categories/domains

Generic domains - physical activities, cognitive activities, social activities, physical complaints

Asthma-specific domains - asthma symptoms, emotions related to asthma, self-concept, self-management

Scaling of items

Varies. 4-pt frequency scale ("not at all" to "very often"), 4-pt performance scale ("not good at all" to "good"), 4-pt related feeling scale (pictorial - faces), dichotomous asthma-related frequency scales


Subdimension is summed score of individual items. Dimension scores are standardized. Higher scores indicate higher quality of life. Missing data are handled by substitution of the mean value for the dimension, if 1 item is missing, and by declaring the dimension missing if 2 or more items are missing.


a. Test-Retest/Reproducibility Reported1
b. Internal Consistency Reported1


Discriminant validity demonstrated by comparison of scores of healthy vs. asthmatic children on the generic dimensions1. Concurrent validity demonstrated by moderate correlations with the Child Attitude Toward Illness Scale1.


Reported1 ; children categorized as stable or changed by number of days or nights with symptoms over the past week. Effect size (mean of changed patients / standard deviation of change score of stable patients) > 1.0, indicating instrument is responsive.

Minimally important difference

Not determined.

Research use

Not reported.

Clinical use

Not reported.


Original: Dutch


  1. le Coq EM, Colland VT, Boeke AJP, Bezemer DP, van EIJK JTM. Reproducibility, construct validity, and responsiveness of the "How Are You?" (HAY), a self-report quality of life questionnaire for children with asthma. J Asthma 2000;37(1):43-58.
  2. le Coq EM, Boeke AJP, Bezemer PD, Bruil J, van Eijk JTM. Clinimetric properties of a parent report on their offspring's quality of life. J Clin Epidemiol 2000;53:139-46.

Date of information

July 2000

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