Nottingham Health ProfileName of QuestionnaireNottingham Health Profile (NHP) DescriptionGeneric health-related quality of life measure. The instrument is used to evaluate perceived distress across various populations. DeveloperS Hunt, J McEwen, SP McKenna 1 AddressDr. Stephen McKenna
Cost & availabilityContact S McKenna for permission for use. AdministrationSelf Time to complete5 to 10 minutes Number of items38 Domains & categories6 dimensions Name of categories/domainsPhysical mobility (8 items), pain (8 items), social isolation (5
items), emotional reactions (9 items), energy (3 items), sleep (5
items). Scaling of itemsDichotomous: yes/no Scoring
ValidityReported for other disease states. Items were drawn from patient interviews differentiation between illness groups 3 ResponsivenessReported 3 Minimally important differenceNot determined. Research useReported, including clinical trial 3 Clinical useReported in asthma LanguageOrigin: English (U.K.) Translations: Multiple languages including Dutch, French, US. Translated versions used in patients with asthma: Dutch4 References
Date of informationMarch 1999 Comments from developerYes (December 1997) |
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