ATS American Thoracic Society
Recent Abstracts

Nottingham Health Profile

Name of Questionnaire

Nottingham Health Profile (NHP)


Generic health-related quality of life measure. The instrument is used to evaluate perceived distress across various populations.


S Hunt, J McEwen, SP McKenna 1


Dr. Stephen McKenna
Galen Research
Enterprise House
Manchester Science Park
Lloyd Street North
Manchester M15 6SE, UK


Cost & availability

Contact S McKenna for permission for use.



Time to complete

5 to 10 minutes

Number of items


Domains & categories

6 dimensions

Name of categories/domains

Physical mobility (8 items), pain (8 items), social isolation (5 items), emotional reactions (9 items), energy (3 items), sleep (5 items).

Each item is weighted; weights were derived from patients and nonpatients. Dimension scores range from 0 to 100, higher the score the greater the health problem. Scores are presented as a profile rather than overall score.

Scaling of items

Dichotomous: yes/no


a. Test-retest/reproducibility  Reported
b. Internal consistency  Reported


a. Test-retest/reproducibility  Reported
b. Internal consistency  Reported


Reported for other disease states. Items were drawn from patient interviews differentiation between illness groups 3


Reported 3

Minimally important difference

Not determined.

Research use

Reported, including clinical trial 3

Clinical use

Reported in asthma


Origin: English (U.K.)

Translations: Multiple languages including Dutch, French, US. Translated versions used in patients with asthma: Dutch4


  1. Hunt SM, McEwen J, McKenna SP. Measuring health stats: a new tool for clinicians and epidemiologists. J Royal Coll Gen Pract 1985;35:185-88.
  2. Hunt SM, McEwen J, McKenna S. Measuring health status. 1st ed. London: Crom Helm, 1986.
  3. Jenkinson C, Fitspatrick R, Argyle M. The Nottingham Health Profile: An analysis of its sensitivity in differentiating illness groups. Soc Sci Med 1988;27:1411-14.
  4. Van Schayck C, Rutten-van Mölken M, van Doorslaer E, Folgering H, van Weel C. Two-year bronchodilator treatment in patients with mild airflow obstruction: contradictory effects on lung function and quality of life. Chest 1992;102 (5):1384-1391.

Date of information

March 1999

Comments from developer

Yes (December 1997)

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