Quebec Sleep Questionnaire (QSQ)Name of QuestionnaireQuebec Sleep Questionnaire (QSQ) DescriptionA disease-specific health-related quality of life instrument designed for use with adults to assess the effect of obstructive sleep apnea on quality of life. It was designed to be used as a clinical outcome measure for clinical trials. DeveloperY Lacasse, M-P Bureau, F Sériès AddressDr. Y Lacasse
Administrationinsert here Time to completeNot specified Number of items32 Domains & categories5 domains Name of categories/domainsHypersomnolence, Diurnal symptoms, Nocturnal symptoms, Emotions, Social interactions Scaling of items7 point Likert scale ScoringMean score per item within each domain with equal weighting Reliability
ValidityEstablished by comparing to scores for symptom measures (Epworth Sleepiness scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Symptom Checklist-90 depression and hostility domains, Functional Outcomes in Sleep Questionnaire), a generic HRQL measure (SF-36), and a global rating of change in their OSA related symptoms, daily life activities, social interactions and emotions after therapy 1 ResponsivenessReported. 1 Minimally important differenceReported. 1 Research useYes Clinical useNot reported LanguageOriginal: English ( Canada ) References
Date of informationAugust 2004 |
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